Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Week 2

I am behind already, but only with posting, not with the real work on this project. Week 2 there was quite a bit of riding.
Ride1. Saturday - Hervey siding, 2 and a bit hours. I left my heart rate monitor somewhere, and did not wear it all this week, so I am a bit vague on the details.
Ride 2. Sunday - Raining. I rode the windtrainer for 35 minutes, one legged drills.
Ride3.Tuesday morning YJ and I rode out along Hall Road. This was instead of riding out along the Highway with the bunch - too fast for me, and I didn't fancy riding directly into the sunrise with trucks roaring past at 100km/hr.
Hall Rd was rather hilly, and after 50 minutes I was worn out. This was a bit of a problem, as 50 minutes was when I finally caught up with YJ sufficiently to suggest that we turn around. After another 30 minutes I got yet another flat. This gave me a little rest (he, he)and fortunately the patched tire held until we got home. The hills were much easier on the way back. 1 hour, 50 minutes, including puncture.
Ride 4.Thursday windtraining, 35 minutes, highly virtuous and boring.
I also started some core strength training and yoga stretches, 30 minutes per day, 5 days this week. I think this is helping. However, I am not getting much housework done. Good trade IMO.
Purchases - legion! We went to Noosa on Saturday to view the criterion and to visit the trade show. I came home with 4 pairs of new cycling socks and a helmet (also new running shoes, probably not directly relevant). YJ pointed out to me that my helmet was at least 15 years old, and probably not up to any actual protective function should it be required. He bought a new small size pump and some other things I am not supposed to know about. I am raising the Tour de France budget upward.
I also discovered this week that the Tour falls directly in the high season for airfares to Europe. I am currently wondering if we could leave Australia before the end of June, but think this might be considered abandonment by our children.

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled on this blog of yours looking for your e-mail from your other blog. I have also recently gotten into cycling and I think your goals are awesome! I'm not as optimistic about my own progression in the sport, but you've got a cheerleader over here on the other side of the world!
